Wednesday, April 8, 2009


In the fall of 2008, my husband and I reexamined our lives, sold our house, moved to a different state, bought a house, then figured out we needed to tear down that house and rebuild from scratch.

Along the way we've dealt with a job loss, family judgement and disappointment, moving out of one home without really knowing where we're going to sleep at night, and in the new home, lots and lots of mold. And maybe asbestos. We hope not. We're afraid to find out. Did I mention the mold?

Since that's all happened in the first few weeks, it seemed worth keeping a diary of sorts as we build a new life together, in a new place.

WARNING: In this blog you will read about the challenges of balancing financial pragmatism with environmental responsibility. You may be offended by some of the choices we make. That's fine. We may not be too happy with some of our choices either. Then again, we may just have a different perspective and priorities. Feel free to share your thoughts on our progress and vent where you feel the need.

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