After getting stuck in the soggy front yard several times, the 5th wheel trailer we'll soon call home is now in place.
At the moment, it seems surprisingly spacious. The big windows in back help, and the living room and dining nook (picture miniature versions of whatever's going through your mind right now) slide out to form a wider space.
Shopping for one of these was quite a trick, mostly because of Brian's height. I kept making him lie down on all the beds of all the trailers we went into. Eventually he started saying, "This could work. No, really, I think this could work," even when his feet stuck off the bed by 3". He'd gotten used to having them stick off the end 6", so the improvement was marked.
With this trailer, he just sticks off the end of the bed about an inch and I attribute that to his wearing tennis shoes. Surely we'll be able to make this work, as long as we don't thrash around too much. Otherwise, someone's going to end up with a black eye. Hopefully we'll get the hang of this pretty quickly.
Aside from having to coax the trailer out of giant divots in the lawn, the next biggest surprise was that the former owners had left many useful items in place. Like...silverware. A corkscrew. Plates. Mixing bowls. Pots and pans. Bath towels. A charming cabbage rose bedspread. And best of all, a coffee pot.
This makes me ecstatic because I have no idea where we would find those things in our boxes and boxes of stuff that is still spread out across two states and five separate locations.
That sounds like it would be stressful but it turns out I don't really care about knowing exactly where everything is. I need to know where Brian and the dogs are, and my computer. Best case, I can also locate a toothbrush and a good book. Other than that, it's just not that big a deal.
On another note, we're starting to talk with potential designers and I've been haunting building material salvage yards all over town. We're getting close to starting the fun part!
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