Okay, I solemnly swear that I will not talk about mud after this if you'll just allow me this brief pictoral diatribe.
In addition to the lovely metal roof that is now preventing mud from building up IN the house, you will notice the large mud trench out front...
...with an accompanying little path so we can go from the trailer to the driveway...
Charming, no? Still a bit tricky to navigate with arms full of groceries and a dog bounding on the leash, but it's better than it was. That bit of hose is, well, our hose - wrapped in an insulating sleeve in case it gets cold again.
And then there's the side of the house where they dug the trench for electrical and cable...
And right in front we have actual standing puddles of mud. If I was 5, I'd be in heaven. But I'm not.
Fortunately, there are some redeeming features - like a front walkway and steps!
Delightful. It's like a little haven of pavement amidst the sodden muck.
I practically cried the first time I went down the stairs from the garage to the daylight basement. Not sure why that was so emotional but it was. Maybe because of finally having a direct path to SOMEPLACE I want to go. No more not-very-controlled slide down the muddy hill to get downstairs. Plus those stairs are quite big and actually finished.
Yes - but will he office be functional and provide efficency gains? ;)