Yes, it is that bad.
Here's the basic rundown of my very scattered life these days:
Learning how to program client web sites by roaming around the editing pages wondering what all that programmer language means and how I get it to do what I want. No user's manual, no "tips" - just some very patient, saintly people who put up with my myriad questions when I get tired of beating my head against the wall.

The good news is they appear shocked anyone can learn it at all, so the fact that I am starting to pick it up is something of an achievement. The other good news is that deer occasionally show up outside the window at my office.
The computer stuff is interspersed with jumping on planes for meetings and trying not to say anything obviously stupid to clients, while actively participating in the conversation.
Bottom line: I like what I'm doing and I get to work with fun, easy-going people who set reasonable expectations. Freakishly lucky.

We still have no building permit (two weeks for the county to review the plans? Right -more like 5+ weeks). Despite that, we have gotten bids for quite a bit of the work and are trying to get enough information to settle on a general contractor. The business model for construction, as you well know if you've done any, is completely whacked. Basically, there is no incentive for a general contractor to do anything that saves you money. They have to do it out of the goodness of their hearts, and this is a notoriously fraud-riddled profession. I feel like we're walking through a gauntlet of people with knives in their hands and smiles on their faces.
I think I'll write more about the construction business model topic at some point. It really bothers me and has some built-in connundrums like, why is it more expensive to build using used materials? Seems like that would be good - keep things out of the landfill and spend less on new materials. Turns out that's not how it works.
At any rate, Brian has been working hard to get the debris scraped up out of the burned cavity of the former house. Used bricks are stacking up beside the yard, and I have hope that eventually we'll have some kind of brick terrace made of bricks from the old fireplace.
Other random notes:
1. Overheard while hitting the ladies' room after a short flight:
"The guy next to me didn't do anything for the whole flight. He didn't read or sleep or anything. He was kind of old."
"Maybe when you get old you can kind of hybernate."
2. Favorite Craig's List ad for the day:
FREE Tile - All you can haul! (Eagle Creek)
The guy who last owned this property was a contractor (a shabby one at that) and he decided to dump all of his tile scraps on the property. Here they have sat waiting for a home in some beautiful mosaic, or as part of a shower surround, or as a coaster in some dingy basement. Whatever you have planned for these tiles, I don't give a rats ass (and I mean that in the politest of ways), just come take as many as you would like. The more the better. There are ceramic tiles scraps and pieces of some natural stone, slate perhaps. Most of the tiles are not whole, although if you look real hard, you might be able to find the matching piece (I really doubt it though.) NEXT AVAILABLE PICK UP: SUNDAY after 4:00 There is A LOT of tile so there should be plenty for everyone.
3. Recently completed knitting project:
Swanky handbag made of wool yarn and videotape
4. Thought while watching Monday night football:
You know how they have oxygen tanks waiting on the sidelines so whenever a team hits the bench they can start sucking down O2? I was picturing that in the corporate world. Got a big presentation? Have some oxygen. Got a stressful performance review with your boss? Have some oxygen. You get the picture.
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